
Designed with modern technology based on the concepts of EFFICIENCY and SAFETY. All plants are subject to a strict Integral Quality Plan with strict regulations on ORDER and HYGIENE.

There are two production centres. In addition to a production zone, each plant has warehouses, laboratories and a research centre. All plants are equipped with the HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system.

Premix factory

The premix factory is located in Vila-Seca in Estación industrial zone and is easily accessible by motorway. This centre has 10 production units according to the type of additive and presentation format, which may be in solid, liquid or soluble powder form.

The warehouse areas for raw materials and finished products are equipped to store solid and liquid products in sacks, containers and in bulk. Suitable areas are fitted out with shelves, silos and tanks to ensure proper handling.

Production follows Good Manufacturing Practices and the entire process is Traceable and continuously monitored. For this purpose, a Quality Control Laboratory and sample library are available.

During manufacturing, safety measures are maximised given that in many cases dangerous substances are handled.

Medicine manufacturing plant

Located in the Dominican Republic, the facilities are certified according to European Union criteria and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Manufacturing is implemented according to Standardised Work Procedures which encompass cleaning of sites, cleaning and maintenance of equipment, reception of raw materials and conditioning material, quality control, rejection of materials, manufacturing protocol, packaging and labelling control, expiry, storage and distribution of finished products.

WAREHOUSES are separated by product category:

  • Quarantine zone.
  • Medicinal raw material.
  • Rejected material.
  • Other raw material.
  • Finished product.