Entries by dexiberica

Dex Ibérica presents at Sudan Poultry Expo 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have participated in the Sudan Poultry Expo 2023 in Khartoum, Sudan. This fair is one of the most important in the poultry industry in Sudan and Africa, and brings together key players in the sector, both locally and internationally. Our presence at the fair was an excellent opportunity […]

Fungal and bacterial contamination: a preventable threat

Fungal and bacterial contamination: a preventable threat Contamination by fungi and bacteria from raw materials and feeds is a risk factor for animal health and a serious threat to the productivity of any farm. Raw materials and feeds are exposed to contamination by fungi, bacteria and other biological agents during production, harvesting, transport, storage and distribution. […]

Mycotoxins, the danger of a silent enemy

Mycotoxins, the danger of a silent enemy Mycotoxins are toxic, carcinogenic substances produced by fungi commonly found in grain and feed*. After being ingested, these toxins are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and can cause a variety of clinical and sub-clinical diseases, thereby significantly reducing animal productivity. * According to the FAO, more than 25% […]

Contamination by fungi and bacteria: a preventable threat

Contamination by fungi and bacteria: a preventable threat Contamination by fungi and bacteria of raw materials and feeds is a risk factor for animal health and a serious threat to the productivity of any farm. Therefore, eliminating their presence in feed and in the storage and distribution chain is a priority objective. To achieve it, […]