Feed preservatives

Both liquid and powder premixtures for the conservation of feeds, eliminating micro– organisms, avoiding their growth and preventing subsequent contamination.

Our preservatives are classified into two major groups, depending on their principle purpose, mold inhibitors and anti-bacterials

The different preservative premixtures lines can vary the proportions of “free acid/salt”, depending on whether shock treatment or persistence

is the desired effect. All liquid preservative premixtures incorporate technological additives, wetting and anticorrosive agents. Dosage must be carried out using the right equipment. At DEX we offer consultancy and provide solutions to ensure correct handling and application.

Mold inhibitors

These premixtures have essentially been designed to control fungal contamination.


These premixtures, as well as controlling fungal contamination, also provide a marked anti-bacterial action.

Moisture optimisation

These are premixtures with surfactant additives that modify the surface tension of the liquid to which they are incorporated. Used to improve the effectiveness of preservatives, increasing their wetting power, avoiding losses and limiting any possible corrosive effects. They also serve to improve the quality of the mixes, providing better conditioning prior to pelletizing, along with better performance at the installation (mill, pelletizer, mixer, etc.). When added to water their effective recuperation of moisture guarantees that feed will be obtained with a constant level of desired humidity.